Why choose a menstrual cup?

What is a menstrual cup?

A menstrual cup is inserted into the vagina during menstruation. Unlike tampons that absorb your flow, the cup collects it and can be safely worn for up to 12 hours. The cup is then removed, emptied, wiped and washed, and can be reinserted.

Are they safe?

Menstrual cups maintain the optimal pH in the vagina – helping to avoid a terrible feeling of "dryness" that can result from the use of tampons.

Because cups do not absorb menstrual fluid, but collect it instead, the risk of toxic shock syndrome (TSS) is minimal.

At Careboo, we adhere to strict manufacturing practices – which ensure that materials are safe for their intended use. Beware of cheap imitations - firstly because you cannot guarantee the purity and safety of the materials, and secondly because you get what you pay for... And who wants a leaky cup?

Most cups are made of medical-grade silicone or thermoplastic elastomer (TPE). Both materials are used in surgical implants and medical devices (such as catheters, IV lines, etc.).

If you've ended up with a less effective cut (leaky, hard to remove, uncomfortable), you may not have the right cut. Don't give up just yet, your perfect cut could be around the corner! What works for one may not work for another. Please keep this in mind as you venture into the wonderful world of cuts.

To help you make the fairest decision, we've listed the 5 things you need to consider before buying a cup.

The 5 things to consider:

1. The Length: lcuts are available in different lengths, the cut that suits you best will be neither too long nor too short. To determine the length of the cut you need, check the height of your cervix during menstruation (see the next question for how to check the cervix)

2. The Size: Most cuts are available in 2 sizes:

  • A smaller one for women who have a solid pelvic floor, usually under 30, and who have not had vaginal deliveries or teenage girls who are not sexually active.
  • A larger one for women over 30, or who gave birth vaginally, or with weak pelvic floor muscles.

3. The Volume: Is your throughput light, medium or heavy? You can choose to go for a larger cut so you don't have to empty it as often. The goal is for the cup to create a seal around the walls of your vagina when it has been inserted, this will prevent any leakage.

4. The Firmness: This is quite important. If your cut is too soft, you run the risk of it being crushed by your pelvic floor muscles, which may leak significantly.

5. The material: In addition to the material, silicone or TPE, there are different "finishes" that a silicone cut can have. Some are shiny, some are matte, some are colorful, some have grooves and some are smooth.

The Size of the stem: When you receive your cup, it will most likely have a stem. You can cut this stem if it causes a irritation. Insertion
  1. To insert your cup, fold it first, then insert it into your vagina – make sure you don't let it unfold until it's high enough (usually right after the pelvic bone).
  2. To help with insertion, first wet the cup with a little water (you can also use a little water-based lubricant).
  3. Once the cup is unfolded, it should form a joint in your vagina – this will ensure that it does not leak. If you feel any sensation, the cup may not be high enough, remove it and try again.
Note: Try to relax your pelvic floor when you place your cup inside, just remember that 'practice makes perfect', it will take you a few cycles to get used to it. How to remove
  1. To remove your cup, you will first need to break the suction. Do not pull on it, but gently pull on the rod until you reach the base of the cup. To break the suction, squeeze the base of the cup, then gently slide the cup out of your vagina. If that's not enough to break the seal, stretch a finger to the side of the cup and press inward to break the seal.
  2. Don't panic if you have trouble removing your cup at first. It may take some time to figure it out, the best thing to do is to relax and try again.
  3. If you have trouble reaching the base of the cup, lower your pelvic floor muscles (as if you were having a bowel movement). This will move your cup lower, making it easier to reach.

Here are some tips
  1. Put some water-based lubricant on your cup before inserting it.
  2. Some women find it helpful to practice inserting and removing the cup before their period begins (be sure to use some water-based lubricant).
  3. Try the different folds, find the one that suits you.
  4. Wear a backup cushion or liner when you start using a cup, this will give you more confidence until you've learned how to position it correctly for your anatomy.
  5. Do not panic if you are unable to remove it, follow these steps: Relax, reach out, press with the pelvic floor, locate and pinch the base, run your finger to the side, break the joint, slide it, remove.
Quick FAQ
  • How do I know when to empty the menstrual cup?
    There is no hard and fast rule here, except that it must be emptied every 12 hours minimum. By monitoring the fullness of the cup when you start using it, you will quickly learn how often it should be emptied based on your flow. Usually, you will find that you will only need to empty it once in the morning and then again in the evening, depending on your flow.

    • How to manage in public restrooms?
    Most women find that they do not need to empty the menstrual cup very often, so this situation is not common. However, if you need to empty the menstrual cup in a public toilet, remove and empty it as usual and use toilet paper or paper towel to wipe the cup and reinsert. Rinse the cup with water at the next convenient withdrawal.
    • Is the menstrual cup made of safe materials?
    Our menstrual cups are made from medical grade silicone, it is a solid and stable piece of silicone (with the soft rubber feel) that cannot leak or release molecules into the body. The same silicone used to make menstrual cups is also widely used in the medical industry for internal valves and tubes as well as teats for baby bottles and breast pumps.
    • If menstrual cups are so good, why haven't I heard of them?
    Different types of menstrual cups date back to 1896 but disposable products have eclipsed them. The menstrual cup is only beginning to become more popular and known. Indeed, women are increasingly aware of the environment and realize the damage that disposable products do to the environment and their bodies. The health benefits are also starting to lead women to look for an alternative to tampons that have been linked to toxic shock syndrome in recent years. It's something to share with as many women as possible; it's really a simple but revolutionary product!
    • What about toxic shock syndrome?
    Menstrual cups, unlike tampons, have never been linked to TSS. This serious and sometimes fatal condition has been linked to prolonged tampon use.
    Since the menstrual cup is simply a receptacle and does not interfere with natural levels of vaginal moisture and self-cleaning processes, it has no connection to TSS. However, remember to observe the 12-hour rule.
    • Is the menstrual cup leaking?
    A menstrual cup is a very reliable form of health protection. When inserted correctly, your menstrual cup doesn't leak at all, in fact, most women find it much more reliable than tampons and pads. Just like with tampons, it may take a period or two to perfect the right insertion technique for you, but it's worth it because many women find they don't need a replacement pads or panty liners, even when used at night.
    • Are menstrual cups hygienic?
    A menstrual cup is made of medical grade silicone, easy to clean and sterilize, it can be boiled in water or highly disinfected with one of our sterilizers. Please see our accessories page for more details. Your cup only needs to be rinsed at least twice a day and should be sterilized at least once a day after use.
    The silicone used to make menstrual cups has antibacterial properties and does not support the growth of bacteria in the form of tampons or tampons. It does not disrupt the acidic environment in the vagina and therefore does not increase the risk of infection and has never been linked to toxic shock syndrome as tampons did.
    • Can the menstrual cup get stuck?
      A menstrual cup cannot get stuck. It sits much lower in the vaginal canal (not high like a tampon), making it quick and easy to remove. If you find it mounted and difficult to reach, simply press on your stomach muscles and pull on the stem until you can reach the base of the cup. You can then pinch the base of the cup to release the seal and remove it.
      • How long can I use the same menstrual cup?
      Our menstrual cups can be used for at least 5-10 years depending on the care before needing to be replaced. How often you do this really depends on your personal preferences. Some women may want to replace it every two years while others may be confident of using it for up to 10 years before buying a new cup.
      • I just started my period, can I use the menstrual cup?
      Yes, is it perfectly safe to use the menstrual cup for your very first period, although teens may find it easier to insert the cup using a water-based lubricant, to begin with.
      • Can I use the menstrual cup when I have a luminous flux?
      A menstrual cup is ideal for light flows, insertion and removal are easy, it is not absorbent and therefore will not cause dryness.
      • Can I leave my menstrual cup during sex?
      No, menstrual cups must be removed before sexual intercourse, they are very low inside the vaginal cavity, which would lead to obstruction. It is not a contraceptive and will not add protection against sexually transmitted diseases.
      • Can I use lubricant to insert my menstrual cup?
      Yes, water-based lubricants such as KY jelly can be used very effectively with the menstrual cup. Oil-based lubricants should be avoided as this can damage the silicone.
      • I recently had a baby, can I use the menstrual cup?
      It is not recommended to use any form of internal protection for postnatal bleeding, although you can start using menstrual cups from six weeks after delivery.
      • I wear an IUD. Can I use the menstrual cup?
      Yes, you can use a menstrual cup with an IUD (coil). Make sure you position your cup correctly and have your IUD strings checked periodically by your GP.
      • I have very heavy periods, is a menstrual cup right for me?
      Menstrual cups are ideal for people with heavy periods, they contain three times the amount that a tampon or tampon can absorb, allowing you to spend more time between oil changes. You can even measure your flow and some women find that cramps are relieved when using the menstrual cup.
      • Can I swim and play sports when using the menstrual cup?
      A menstrual cup is brilliant for an active lifestyle and can be used during swimming, cycling, running, camping and traveling, as well as all outdoor activities and sports.
      • How do I know that my menstrual cup is in the right position and is completely open?
      Some women find that their cup is easier to insert but doesn't always open once inside. This is a simple problem to solve; simply grasp the base of the cup and gently turn the cup, this will open it and the seal will form. The base of the cup should be easy to reach, it is just inside you much lower than a tampon and the stem should be outside your body, you will have to cut it to a length that suits you; some women even remove it altogether.
      • Does the menstrual cup contain phthalates or bisphenol A (BPA) as some silicones and plastics do?
      Menstrual cups do not contain BPA or phthalates. It is made of 100% medical silicone.